By Cali Correspondent
On April 12, Governor Brown signed SBX12, which requires 33 percent of California electricity to come from renewable resources by December 31, 2010. Currently only 20 percent of California energy is from renewable resources.
This year in the President Obama’s State of the Union address, he called for Americans to invest in innovation. He called for this moment to be our generation's potential Sputnik moment.
With this new bill, the state of California is doing its part. During the 90s, Californians brought us the tech revolution and the development of Silicon Valley in the Northern California. This new bill is the opportunity to develop the green industry here and make it the new industry based in our state.
This is great opportunity for a state with over 10% unemployment.
There is support for this in the private sector and federal government here. The same day SBX12 was passed, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a $1.187 billion loan guarantee to support a private renewable energy project, the California Valley Solar Ranch Project, which is managed by Sunpower Corporation. This development will create approximately 350 jobs and significantly reduce carbon emissions.
Another project in the works is the Blythe Solar Project. It also have $2.1 billion loan guarantee to support the private energy project by Solar Millennium. This would create approximately 1,000 construction jobs.
Google has invested $350 million in renewable energy and energy efficiency and they are looking for new projects.
These are just three examples of a burgeoning green energy industry and considering the bill was just passed a couple of weeks ago. It can be the start of great things. Although it is mandated by the laws, the private sector is the one driving the innovation.
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